The Evolving Role of Engineers: What Construction Companies Need in 2024

According to a survey conducted by Deloitte, 76% of E&C executives are investing in technologies to deal with their cost and margin challenges. Additionally, 24% are already investing in robotics and drones to improve the quality and quantity of work. With these smart decisions, construction engineers also need to adapt and innovate. In this blog, we’ll explore the evolving role of engineers and delve into what construction companies need from their engineering teams to thrive in the current environment.

construction team working with BizForce's remote construction engineers

Embracing Sustainable Practices

In 2024, sustainability has become a cornerstone of the construction industry. With growing environmental concerns and stricter regulations, construction companies are increasingly turning to engineers to incorporate sustainable practices into their projects. Engineers play a pivotal role in designing environmentally friendly structures. Innovative engineers implement energy-efficient systems and utilize sustainable materials.


Engineers can embrace sustainable practices for construction by doing the following:

  • incorporating sustainable energy solutions like solar panels and wind turbines into architectural plans 
  • optimizing energy efficiency through advanced insulation materials and smart building technologies
  • incorporating green infrastructure such as green roofs and permeable pavements to manage stormwater runoff
  • utilizing sustainable and recycled materials in construction
  • implementing modular and prefabricated construction methods to minimize waste and enhance efficiency
  • designing structures with a focus on longevity and adaptability to reduce the environmental impact over the lifecycle of the building


Their expertise in green building practices not only reduces environmental impact but also enhances project efficiency and longevity.


Harnessing Technology Advancements

The rapid advancement of technology has revolutionized the construction sector.  Thus, engineers are at the forefront of this transformation. Companies can have engineers harness technology advancements in construction by leveraging cutting-edge tools and methodologies. These advancements include Building Information Modeling (BIM) to create digital representations of building projects. BIM enables collaborative design and coordination among project stakeholders, optimizes project planning, and reduces errors and rework.


Additionally, engineers can utilize drones for site surveying and progress monitoring. The use of drones allows for more accurate data collection, improved safety, and enhanced project oversight. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies can be employed to visualize and simulate construction processes too. They enable engineers to identify potential issues and optimize project workflows before construction begins.


To create smart construction sites with connected sensors and devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) should be utilized. IoT provides real-time monitoring of equipment, materials, and environmental conditions. Therefore, it improves productivity, safety, and efficiency. Embracing these technological advancements is vital to help engineers revolutionize the construction industry. 


Fostering Innovation and Creativity


In today’s competitive construction industry, innovation and creativity are essential for staying ahead of the competition. Engineers are expected to think outside the box, challenge conventional methods, and develop innovative solutions to complex challenges.


Engineers can foster innovation and creativity when construction companies create a culture that encourages and rewards new ideas, experimentation, and collaboration. Organize brainstorming sessions and innovation workshops. These activities generate innovative solutions to challenges encountered in construction projects. Let engineers actively seek out new technologies, materials, and construction methods. Be open to incorporating them into their projects.


By encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration with architects, contractors, and other stakeholders, engineers can gain fresh perspectives and insights that spark creativity and drive innovation. Additionally, providing opportunities for professional development and training in areas such as design thinking, problem-solving, and creative leadership can empower engineers to think creatively and develop innovative solutions to complex construction challenges.


Prioritizing Safety and Risk Management


Safety has always been a top priority in the construction industry. In 2024, it’s more important than ever. With increasingly complex projects and heightened safety regulations, construction companies rely on engineers to prioritize safety at every stage of the project lifecycle. Engineers are responsible for identifying potential hazards, implementing safety protocols, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. Integrate safety and risk management into their engineering practices. Doing so can minimize accidents, mitigate liabilities, and create safer work environments for their teams.


Construction engineers can prioritize safety and risk management by conducting thorough risk assessments and hazard analyses before the start of each project to identify potential safety hazards and develop mitigation strategies. Engineers should ensure that all construction workers receive proper safety training and are equipped with the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent accidents and injuries on the job site.


Additionally, engineers should regularly inspect the work site to identify and address any safety hazards or compliance issues promptly. This includes monitoring the use of heavy machinery, scaffolding, and other equipment to ensure they are operated safely and following industry standards and regulations. Engineers should also establish clear communication channels and protocols for reporting safety concerns or incidents, and encourage workers to speak up if they observe unsafe conditions or behaviors.


Cultivating Soft Skills and Collaboration


In addition to technical expertise, engineers in 2024 must possess strong soft skills and the ability to collaborate effectively with diverse teams. Construction projects require effective collaboration among various stakeholders such as architects, contractors, subcontractors, and clients. Engineers need to excel in communication, teamwork, and conflict resolution to navigate these complexities successfully.


By fostering a collaborative work environment and providing opportunities for engineers to develop their soft skills, construction companies can enhance project coordination, reduce conflicts, and improve overall project outcomes.


Provide opportunities for team building activities, workshops, and training sessions focused on developing interpersonal skills such as active listening, conflict resolution, and empathy. Encourage engineers to open communication and feedback among team members, fostering an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing ideas, concerns, and suggestions.


Additionally, construction engineers can promote collaboration by breaking down silos between different departments and disciplines within the construction team. This can be accomplished by creating cross-functional project teams that bring together individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise to work towards common goals. Engineers should establish clear roles, responsibilities, and expectations for each team member. By doing so, they ensure that everyone understands their contribution to the project and feels valued for their unique skills and perspectives.


Leverage technology such as project management software and collaborative platforms to facilitate communication and information sharing among team members, regardless of their location or role in the project.




As we navigate the complexities of the modern construction industry, the role of engineers continues to evolve and expand. In 2024, construction companies require engineers who are not only technically proficient but also adaptable, innovative, and collaborative. By embracing sustainability, harnessing technology, fostering creativity, prioritizing safety, and cultivating soft skills, engineers can help construction companies navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities of the future.


At BizForce, we understand the pivotal role engineers play in driving success for construction companies. Our mission is to provide construction firms with exceptional engineering talent that goes beyond technical proficiency. By partnering with us, you’ll gain access to a pool of engineers who embody adaptability, innovation, and collaboration–essential qualities for thriving in today’s construction environment. Let us help you navigate the complexities of the modern construction industry by providing you with an outstanding engineering team equipped to embrace sustainability, harness technology, foster creativity, prioritize safety, and cultivate soft skills. Take the next step towards success with BizForce today. Contact us here.