What We Do
What concern do industry leading companies and small businesses have in common? TALENT!
Ask any business owner today what their number one challenge is and you will hear different terms of “workforce” over and over again. From healthcare to customer service to skilled professionals, finding dedicated top talent is a huge challenge and high rates of turn-over lead to an incredible amount of lost revenue for a business of any size.
Bizforce provides motivated, flexible, skilled professionals where you need it most, when you need it most. We vastly reduce the cost of finding and replacing employees the old fashioned way and provide solutions that let you get back to doing what you do best!
Understanding Who Bizforce Really Is
The U.S. is in a labor crisis with no end in sight. The cost of labor in the U.S. has nearly doubled in the last decade and inflation continues rise. Advances in technology have completely changed the relationship between businesses employees and customers. What used to be an exclusively face-to-face encounter is now mostly virtual.
Bizforce is at the forefront of this ever-changing environment. We utilize all the available tools to help your business reach its full potential by connecting you with highly qualified and educated top talent from around the world. You are adding motivated and technically skilled professionals to your team starting day one.
Just Some of the Areas Where We Can Help
Back Office Support
Back office work can involve the most time-intensive yet crucial tasks that companies have to deal with. It’s essential to maintain proper records, customer information, data migration and other vital sources of information to your business.
This type of work can also be very tedious and technical. That’s where we come in! Utilize our scalable workforce to tackle even the most complicated migration project and let the results speak for themselves!
Scalable Healthcare Resources
Patient care is crucial to the growth of your medical practice. Whether you are a manager for a GPO all the way down to a single provider practice, developing patient-focused workflows is a necessity to maintaining a thriving practice. This includes everything from record keeping to patient interaction. This translates directly to higher patient retention, which leads to revenue growth and more opportunities to expand.
From compliance to staffing to billing solutions, our team is ready to help your practice become highly efficient and successful.
Surge Support
Managing the ebb and flow of your customer cycles can sometimes leave you unable to meet the demands and needs of your loyal customer base. This cascades to slower sales and lower customer retention.
Partnering with a BPO provider like Bizforce can smooth out these predictable fluctuations with support designed to fill the gap when you need it most.
Bringing in a competent team of skilled professionals can keep you from experiencing downturns in your bottom line.
Expansion and Growth
Successful companies rarely happen by accident. Thoughtful strategy and careful execution is typically the difference between those that thrive and maintain healthy growth and those that wither away.
Our flexible staffing resources are an important element to savvy companies that specifically plan their growth by adding new products, open in new markets or introduce new solutions to the products or services. Whenever these major changes occur, there are always internal and external challenges that arise that have to be solved quickly.
A highly qualified team that has your back can make all the difference in a successful expansion. Let us know how we can help YOU take off today.